Use "man proposes and god disposes|man propose and god dispose" in a sentence

1. Man proposes, God disposes.

2. 10 Man proposes , God disposes .49 . Reading enriches the mind . Too much familiarity breeds contempt.

3. In West Africa, slogans such as “Man proposes, God disposes” are commonly painted on public transport vehicles and are posted as signs in shops.


5. Oh, my God, that's a fucking man-gina, man.

6. " God gave the white man a watch and gave the black man time. "

7. Hardship disposes man to meet adversity.

8. It is an abomination to God and to man.

9. Fatalism thus erects a barrier between God and man.

10. That God-fearing man was Cornelius.

11. 21 Let someone arbitrate between a man and God,

12. Man is to man either a god or a wolf. 

13. Had Jesus been a God-man, he would have been higher than angels and man.

14. Cernunnos is the Antlered god, part man and part stag

15. Indeed, man is accountable to Christ and ultimately to God.

16. Adoptionists denied that Jesus is always both God and man

17. Russell’s volume The At-one-ment Between God and Man.

18. 8 Man is to man either a god or a wolf. 

19. The Spanish Inquisition charged him with sinning against God and man.

20. 15 The noblest work of God?Man, Who found it out?Man. 

21. Saul was a modest man approved by God.

22. I thank God I got three boys, man.

23. Abel was a righteous man who pleased God

24. God remembered David as a man of integrity.

25. Could man rule himself successfully apart from God?

26. And the poor man said, "And you mean God didn't answer my pleas?"

27. God work wonders now and then; Behold, a lawyer an hone man.

28. The image of God is understood in light of Creation (Created in God’s image), the Fall (the image of God in man distorted), the redemption of Christ (renewal of the image of God in man), and the final glorification of the saints (perfection of the image of God in man)

29. Every man is Accountable to God for his conduct

30. (b) How does God “not meet any man kindly”?

31. A wise man once addressed himself to God, saying:

32. Jesus today is neither a man nor God Almighty.

33. Why was a once modest man rejected by God?

34. Jesus Christ is a man, Christadelphians say, not God

35. 3. (a) What simple command did God give man?

36. God formed man of the dust of the ground.

37. 24 The dying man recommended his soul to God.

38. And earthling man bows down and man becomes low, and you [Jehovah God] cannot possibly pardon them.” —Isaiah 2:8, 9.

39. He never believed that you could glorify God by Blackguarding man; he believed that man was never essentially himself until he came home to God

40. 30 Not just God-man but the history of becoming man, his suffering and death and resurrection and exaltation by the Spirit.

41. Adjag Posted in About us No comments Devnar ‘Devnar’ is a combination of two words DEV (God) and NAR (Man), highlighting the fact that there is God in every man

42. Better Ashamed before man than Ashamed before God, he said

43. When man detaches himself from these impurities, he reaches God.

44. God selected a humble man named Saul to be king.

45. □ What God-dishonoring record has the man of lawlessness made?

46. “Can an Able-Bodied Man Be of Use to God?”

47. 17 ‘Can a mortal man be more righteous than God?

48. ‘I believe that God created man by means of evolution’

49. An honest God is the noblest work of man. 

50. All Bantus believe in a supreme God, the nature is God and that the first man was born from a plant

51. The Word Became flesh to make us "partakers of the divine nature": "For this is why the Word Became man, and the Son of God Became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God." "For the Son of God Became man so that we might become God."

52. He was honored and revered in his own right as a man of God.

53. 90 And no man knows it except him to whom God has revealed it.

54. You, my lord, are absolved before God and before man from any such action.

55. During the funeral, beautiful and loving tributes were paid to this man of God.

56. When God himself Beautifies a man, he becomes beautiful indeed and beautiful for ever

57. It is a man's duty to imitate God: as God comforts the Bereaved, so man must do likewise

58. What kind of god tells a man... to leave his family?

59. So he told a story about a man who forgot God.

60. When Abraham attempted to sacrifice Isaac, God preserved the young man.

61. For example, was something wrong with the way God created man?

62. Never will death claim a God-fearing man in his prime.

63. Man must play God for he has acquired certain godlike powers.

64. According to the Bible[ ], God created man in his image.

65. He made a choice, and that choice introduced Crookedness into the relationship between God and man.

66. Man is a god or a devil to his neighbour. 

67. * God created Adam and Eve to be man and wife, Moses 3:7, 18, 21–25.

68. The third man smiled and said, “I am helping to build a house of God.”

69. God save yow, that Boghte agayn mankinde, And yow amende!’—thus seyde this olde man

70. These simple, basic principles are the key to living in harmony with God and man.

71. It is anchored in the event of Baptism - a genuine encounter between God and man.

72. For holding himself up as a god, the “man of lawlessness” must be judged by Jehovah the Almighty God.

73. The Bible plainly states: “No man has seen God at any time.”

74. Christology addresses the issue of Jesus being both God and man, and becoming such in the incarnation

75. Because it is an ordinance denoting entry into a sacred and binding covenant between God and man.

76. In Leviticus 24:10–16, a man Blasphemed the name of God.

77. The faithful man Elihu said of God: “He gives food in abundance.”

78. The law holds no man responsible for the act of god.

79. God is the plenitude of heaven; love is the plenitude of man.

80. The wealthy young man loved his possessions more than he loved God